Saying the term ‘thank you’ means you fully recognize someone’s compliments and efforts into making you satisfied and happy. However, saying it repetitively has been known to make it lose its meaning.

When you give your thanks to someone over and over again for a single act of kindness, it can often make the recipient question your sincerity. Or conversely, they may begin to think that they need to reciprocate on an equal level, such as saying caring words back or performing similar acts of kindness. This defeats the purpose of thanking someone in the first place: Saying thanks because you actually mean it, and you’re not expecting anything in return.

When Not to Say Thank You - All Free Thank You Notes

Overly thanking can devalue the actual meaning of giving thanks in the first place.

Instead of making him or her feel good, you make him or her feel annoyed or stressed.  Worse, over thanking can make the recipient feel like he or she is not giving enough back to you. As well, thanking too much can get into the recipient’s nerves. It can also be a form of manipulation – the recipient may feel like he or she is forced to give back, though you may not mean it that way.

The benefit of the doubt: Some of us may not truly know how to express our thanks, so we tend to praise the recipient quite excessively. However, just like any communication rule, we must always think of what the recipient feels. We thank them because we appreciate what they do. A simple ‘thank you’ with all your feelings into it is more than enough.


While saying ‘thank you’ often in general conversation isn’t bad, overdoing it is.

Over time, your thanks might become ineffective and the phrase is at risk of losing its value.  Also, only say thanks for something that has already happened – thanking the person when nothing has happened yet may come across as impolite.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to your intentions and your heartfelt sincerity. You need to find the right balance between complimenting his or her efforts while not making him or her feel too irked by it. Start with a simple ‘thank you’ card from our fine selection of designs over on our website. If you opt to thank someone via chat, use our animated GIFs instead! Just remember to not send too much and always keep it simple.