Being Thankful, Etiquette, Gratefulness, Motivation, Saying Thank You
The Practice of Being Thankful Making a list of things we’re thankful for isn’t something we normally practice off the bat. In these tough times, it’s a great idea to pause and take time to think about the moments we’re most grateful for, and...
Being Thankful, Etiquette, Saying Thank You
Thanks a Lot, is it sarcastic or not? Sarcasm is using words to either mock or annoy someone, or for comic relief. In simple words, it means to speak in a bitter tone. The main gist of sarcasm is that the words are not meant to be taken literally. So when is a simple...
Being Thankful, COVID-19, Etiquette, Motivation, Saying Thank You
“When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.” – Tecumseh Being thankful is something that many of us...
Email Thank You, Etiquette, Saying Thank You
How to Sign Off in any Email Signing off in an email is just as important as its content. In a way it’s a big thank you for reading, which is acknowledging the time the reader has spent reading and responding to your email. Signing off is the way you end your...
Being Thankful, Etiquette, Gratefulness, Motivation, Saying Thank You
The Dying Art of Saying Thank You If you were to ask the average person if they say thank you, the majority of us say we do. Though you consider yourself as an appreciative person, chances are, you have the idea of writing a thank-you card. Over the years, this...