Being Thankful, Etiquette, Gratefulness, Motivation, Saying Thank You, Uncategorized
In the spirit of gratitude, businesses are discovering the immense power of small gestures to boost employee engagement. A recent survey by British Gas, involving 2,000 employees, uncovered heartwarming insights into the little things that make a big impact on the...
Being Thankful, Etiquette, Gratefulness, Saying Thank You
16 Thank You Quotes for Parents – All Free ThankYou Notes Thank you parents quotes aren’t usually thought of as an integral part of family culture, but they can help you appreciate your parents more. It also helps to keep the lines of communication open. As...
Being Thankful, COVID-19, Etiquette, Gratefulness, Motivation, Saying Thank You
Nothing is more humbling than a heartfelt thank you. Think about it—what does it really take to say thank you? And yet, for many of us, it’s a chore. Saying thank you has been something people have excelled at for centuries, but our society seems to be in a bit of a...
Email Thank You, Etiquette, Saying Thank You
Electronic mail, or email for short, is an online communication method where two or more people exchange, accept, forward and store messages using an electronic device (such as a PC or a phone) across the Internet. Since its creation in the 1970s, businesses and...
Being Thankful, Etiquette, Saying Thank You
Saying the term ‘thank you’ means you fully recognize someone’s compliments and efforts into making you satisfied and happy. However, saying it repetitively has been known to make it lose its meaning. When you give your thanks to someone over and over...
Being Thankful, DIY, Etiquette, Gratefulness, Saying Thank You
Some say handwriting is outdated. In today’s digital age, online communication is the norm and ball pens are becoming less popular. Texting and chatting are most definitely the faster way of communicating. And yet, there is always something beautiful about a...